Cryo-EM is a powerful technique that addresses key challenges in structural biology, particularly size, complexity, and flexibility in biological molecules that are difficult to analyze using traditional methods like X-ray crystallography or NMR. Unlike crystallography, cryo-EM doesn’t require crystallization and allows researchers to capture molecules in a near-native state, providing atomic-level details of their structure and dynamics.
In cryo-EM, data collection refers to the process of capturing thousands of images of a biological molecule of interest using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The sample is flash frozen on a grid in a thin layer of vitreous ice, thus preserving its natural structure. High-resolution data collection means that the resulting images are sharp and detailed enough so that data processing allows the scientists to resolve the positions of individual atoms within the molecular structure. This information is then used to obtain precise 3D models of proteins or nucleic acids.
High-resolution cryo-EM data collection provides atomic-level detail, allowing researchers to generate precise 3D models of proteins or nucleic acids.
With six state-of-the-art electron microscopes—including four Glacios and two Krios—spread across our three U.S. locations, NanoImaging Services is uniquely equipped to provide unparalleled cryo-EM capabilities. The combination of these advanced instruments allows us to handle high-throughput data collection, deliver rapid turnaround times, and conduct high-resolution imaging of a wide range of biological samples, from small proteins to large complexes and entire viruses.
Our expert technical team works closely with you to thoroughly understand your project and design a tailored cryo-EM data collection plan that aligns with your specific needs and timeline. We begin most projects with rapid grid screening on our Glacios microscope where we assess ice thickness and data quality in real-time to ensure we proceed with the best grid. The selected grid is then used for high-resolution data collection on one of our advanced Krios microscopes, where our team carefully customizes the data collection parameters based on their extensive experience with a wide range of sample types, ensuring the best possible results.
Since 2020, we have collected data to support more than 300 studies, solving over 280 structures, of which more than 77% were determined at resolutions of 3.5 Å or better.