Experts from Nano Imaging Services and SPT Labtech discuss the challenges of sample vitrification for cryo-EM and methods for overcoming those challenges.
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Dr. Giovanna Scapin and Phat Dip from NIS join Claire Naylor, Tim Booth, and Ouliana Panova from SPT Labtech for an in depth roundtable discussion of the challenges faced by scientists when vitrifying samples for cryo-EM imaging. On average, only 8% of samples are considered well-behaved, while 92% of samples face challenges including preferred orientation, instability, and flexibility. Learn about NanoImaging Services' process for solving these issues, including trying different grids and detergents, as well as tilted collection and hear from SPT Labtech about ways to utilize the chameleon to assist in overcoming these hurdles.
Read more from SPT Labtech here.